Nutrition Tips for Your Long Run

Have you ever wanted to run a marathon (or half marathon)? Are you training for an endurance event now? There are some big races coming up in New York City, including the very popular ING NYC Marathon!  For many people, signing up for such events are great ways to help develop a healthy lifestyle. Knowing that you have to be prepared for race day definitely encourages you to exercise on those days where you would normally talk yourself out of going to the gym or the park. Not only do these events require proper training, but good nutrition habits, as well. For long runs (and bike rides), typically those lasting more than 60 minutes, it is important to have a good pre-run snack or meal, nutrition during the run, and a post-run snack or meal.  (pic is of Tina Gowin, nutritionist and fellow nutritionist Miriam. Both were dietetic interns at the New York Presbyterian Hospital)

Pre-run Snack or Meal
It is essential to eat something 1-2 hours before your workout or race. Keep in mind that you should eat enough to keep you from getting hungry, but not so much that you have a stomach ache during the run. Choose something that is high in carbohydrates as this is your primary source of fuel during exercise. Also, avoid foods that have too much fiber or fat as these slow the absorption of the carbohydrates you need. The closer it is to running time, the less you should eat. It is important to experiment with the timing and amount of different foods that you consume before your training runs. This way, you will know what your body handles well and what helps you perform at your best. Examples of pre-workout snacks include low-fiber cereal with milk, banana and peanut butter(go easy on the pb as fat takes longer to digest) or fig newtons. Be sure to hydrate as well. Drink enough to feel good, but not enough that you have to make a pit stop during the run.

During your workout
For runs lasting longer than 60 minutes, it is very important that you practice consuming nutrition DURING the run. Your body not only needs extra fuel (sugar) to finish the run, but also electrolytes that are lost through sweat (especially now that it is hot and humid outside). Go to your local running store and pick up a few different brands, flavors, and consistencies of endurance nutrition. There are gels, jelly beans, and gummy chews in all sorts of flavors including chocolate, raspberry cream, vanilla, and lemon lime. Again, practice with the timing and the amount during your long runs so that you can perform at your best on race day. Also, make sure you are drinking fluids! Try water or a sports drink. Keep in mind that the sports drink has fluids, electrolytes, and sugar to help fuel your body so you can keep going. But, again, figure out what works best for your body and then stick to it!
(Pic is of Tina with some of the  American Cancer Society Charity Runners)

Post-workout Snack or Meal
Now that you have worked so hard and used up lots of your body’s energy, you have to replenish it to get through the day! Replenishing the energy you used up will help you get ready for your next workout. Training for endurance events requires multiple days of training each week and if you use up so much energy on one day and then do not replace those calories, you will be too tired for the rest of the week. Immediately after the workout, it is important to take in quick energy in the form of sugar. Try juice, a sports drink, or even chocolate milk. Afterwards, opt for a meal that is a good mix of protein and carbohydrates. The protein is essential for helping to repair tiny tears in your muscles that occur after strenuous exercise, and the carbohydrates will help replenish your stores of energy. And of course, drink fluids!

Proper nutrition before, during, and after endurance events will help prevent you from “hitting the wall.” Ever see those athletes who are crawling to the finish line? They “hit the wall.” This means that their glycogen stores are so low that their muscles no longer have the energy to move. With proper training and practicing good nutrition, this can be avoided!

American Cancer Society Charity Runner
I am an American Cancer Society Charity Runner (now called DetermiNATION). Although I had been used to exercising and running short distances, I decided to sign up for the challenge of a half marathon. Not only was it the idea of challenging myself, but also knowing that I would be making my miles more meaningful by fundraising for such a great cause. My first endurance event was the Brooklyn Half Marathon in May and now  I just ran the NYC Half Marathon on August 16th of this year! Like many of the other charity runners, I had no idea that I was capable of accomplishing such a task, but running with a group of dedicated people who are so excited about what they are doing made training incredibly enjoyable and race day even more special.

American Cancer Society’s DetermiNATION still has spots open for the Hamptons Half and Full Marathon on September 26. DetermiNATION athletes will also receive special benefits including group training provided by Asphalt Green, pasta dinner, exclusive American Cancer Society racing shirt, personal web page for fundraising, and the opportunity to run in memory or honor of a loved one.  If you would like to run in one of our endurance events or even volunteer, go to or contact Sarah Coulam at

I would to thank Tina Gowin, Nutrition Fellow at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital for writing this article. Tina is a avid runner – it is always a good idea to take advice from someone who practices what they preach!


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